How to Find Freelance Work Using Content Marketing

Many freelancers ask me how I can get projects consistently without looking for work. This is the answer to your question. You can get more freelance work by using content marketing.

But how do you find more freelance work? Maybe, you’re not a great writer, or perhaps you don’t even know what’s a blog or how to create one.

I am going to answer all your questions. Let me start with the very basics.

What is content marketing?

Any content you create brings people closer to your business, whether you publish content on a blog, LinkedIn post, Facebook video, YouTube, or thousands of other platforms.

Millions of businesses use content marketing to generate leads. Some are pretty effective at it, and some barely scratch the surface.

The key to content marketing is to write content for a particular audience and help them do certain things.

Helping is an integral part of content marketing. At least initially, you don’t need to ask readers to hire you.

You bring them closer to your brand by solving one of their problems. You don’t even need to advertise yourself on the blog. Yes, if you’d do that, it would help. However, you can use many ways to convince your blog reader that you’re a big deal.

One of the important ways to bring your blog readers closer to you is by getting their emails. However, getting subscribers to your email list is not easy. It would help if you constantly found creative ways to get more subscribers to your email list.

Email is where all the magic happens.

But how do you get potential clients’ email?

No one is interested in receiving your boring newsletter. That’s a fact! Because they don’t see any benefit in subscribing to your newsletter.

So an effective way to get emails is to offer them something for free. This thing you submit must have an actual value. Such as, you can offer them a free ebook, a 50% discount on anything (not necessarily your service)

  • It needs to be extremely helpful.
  • Something that costs money but you’re giving away for free.
  • Free software trials

How Content Marketing Can Help You Find Freelance Work

It won’t for some time. If you are a good copywriter, you might get a fair advantage over folks like us who write 500 words in 8 hours.

It would help if you were patient. It will take months, and you won’t see results unless you’re a good writer.

Start a blog on any topic you are crazy about, and create a page where people can hire you. Be specific about your rates, tell your prospects a complete hiring process, add reviews, and use best copywriting practices to convince them to hire you.

Learn SEO by following top blogs in your niche. Look at what they are doing and replicate them. Get links from quality websites by getting your content published. You don’t need to beg for backlinks. You post the most helpful content out there and promote it in any way you know. Social media marketing is also quite beneficial. Content promotion depends on where your audience hangs out.

Suppose your target audience is an entrepreneur who runs multiple clothing brands. You can find them in many relevant communities online, such as Reddit, Facebook Groups, LinkedIn, Quora, and online forums.

In the beginning, you might not get the desired results. Many of us don’t. However, you will grow if you consistently improve your blog and keep learning new things. Eventually, you will start getting calls or messages.

This strategy has helped me immensely to get amazing clients. I hope you find out something valuable in this post. If you did, check out my other post on how to find freelance work using your portfolio.

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